Friday, September 17, 2010

Pacman Fever!

Click here!

Watch this 2 minute tribute to one of the greatest games of all time ... Pacman! I would have loved to have been in on this ... Waka Waka Waka!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Soft Drinks: CokeSodaPopOther?

An interesting map that geographically shows the word each state uses to describe ... er ... soda? Well, I'm from eastern PA, so that's what I call it.

My only question:  What "other" words are there for soda? Chime in and let my inquiring mind know.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fun for Logophiles ...

For those who love to engage the left side of your brain ... this game's for you!

Must Pop Words is a clever game involving bouncy balls with letters on them along with a challenging penguin. But if you let 50 balls drop, it's all over!

Who could ask for anything more? Give it a go ... and put your dictionary face on!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

For the Love of Words ...

Came across this AWESOME site yesterday. It has a list of words no longer in the dictionary, and challenges us to adopt one and promise to use it frequently. What fun! Check it out and adopt a word today!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

There I Fixed It

This is one of my favorite websites. Perhaps working in a Maintenance department and being concerned about OSHA requirements makes this even funnier for me. But you gotta love the ingenuity!

I dare you to go through the site and not laugh!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Wouldn't it be interesting if people could check into each others minds and see what's there?

Maybe I've wondered one too many times what my husband is thinking (which is almost never what I think he's thinking!). I've been at work and felt some one's eyes on me and am afraid they're thinking the worst when they're really thinking about the last episode of America's Got Talent and how they're going to get that stain out of their favorite shirt.

Sometimes people tell me things and I doubt what they say. Sometimes I want to know more than they are willing to say. Sometimes I'm just plain nosy - and please, God, forgive me for that!

So here's the question of the day:  If you could have total access to some one's mind for 15 minutes, who would it be and why?

Tell me what you're thinking and I won't need to pick you! As for me, I have to go with President Obama. Who wouldn't want to be a fly in the Oval Office?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Okay, Gamers ...

Put down your Wii-motes, pack up your Xbox, stop practicing fake guitar, and forget about your PS3 slim.

The best games are really simple.

Let me know how you do ...

Once upon a time, games were really played.

Friday, August 6, 2010


Well, me hearties, I thought I'd start at the very beginning with numero uno ... the numeral 1 ... first thing's first ...

For the record, I'm not a pirate ...

I thought Uno was a clever name for my first post. Still do. But it didn't end there. It lead to a mad Google search, which is part of what life's all about (albeit a minuscule part) - to find out the exact definition of uno.

Well, blow me down! Here's a sampling of what I found (with a thankful nod to Wikipedia). It turns out uno is more than just a number.

Uno may refer to:

1.  A card game
2.  A political organization in Ecuador: Una Nueva Opcion
3.  A bus company in the United Kingdom
4.  A restaurant franchise (pizza anyone?)
5.  A small town in Kentucky
6.  A song by Muse
7.  A Swedish sports car - the UNO 001

Just a few more ...

8.  Universal Network Objects - the software component model used in
9.  A cosmetic brand by Shiseido
10. A person's name, either first or last ("Yo, Uno! C'mere ...")

I feel like David Letterman. "The Top Ten Uses for the Word Uno."

Enlightening ... and you heard it here first!

Uno ... and I'm out!